Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What can my husband eat to help me get pregnant?

We have both had tests and we are fine although he has a low sperm count, what can he eat to boost his sperm count,... I heard Spinach!What can my husband eat to help me get pregnant?
I think that I'm correct in saying that eating lots of fruit can boost the quality of the sperm and the sperm count.

I wish you and your husband every success, JWhat can my husband eat to help me get pregnant?
I don't believe in things like that I'm afraid. If you are going to get pregnant you will. I used to wait 9 days after my period before trying and 3 out of 4 kids it worked for me. But everybody is different. But good luck anyway.
I'm not really sure that food can help in any way! But if he manages to refrain from tossin off, and refrain from sex for a while, the naturally there will be more sperm there, I also heard that cold showers can help produce more sperm!

I wish you the best of look in concieving!
Zinc, which is in spinach i think. Try and make sure he doesn't have to many hot baths and wears loose underwear. Obviously don't smoke and try and not drink to much alcohol. Good luck.x
I've heard that bananas are good. Lots of potassium.
Have you tried charting your cycle to see when you are most fertile and so increase your chances of conceiving?

Take your temperature every morning at the same time when you wake up; it will rise when you ovulate (12-16 days before your next period) and will stay higher until the end of your cycle. To give you some idea, my temp. rises from 36.4/5 to 36.7. Once released you egg remains viable for fertilisation for just 12-24 hours. Also keep an eye on your mucus. You will find that it becomes stretchy like mucus as you approach ovulation. Sperm can survive for up to 5 days in this most fertile mucus.

When trying to have a baby it is recommended that you have intercourse every other day during the week before you ovulate and then for a day or two after.

I have been charting and successfully using Natural Family Planning for 2 years. (Did you know that NFP today is over 99% effective?). Depending on where you are in the world, the Couple to Couple League runs classes or has an excellent home study course all about charting and interpreting your fertility signs that I can highly recommend.

In the UK a charity called LIKE UK runs a very successful fertility programme that you could check out.

There is also a great book by Marilyn Shannon called 'Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition' that you and your husband could benefit from reading.

Good luck and enjoy learning how wonderful your body is!
vitamin E
all green leafy vegetables such as spinach for their high iron content and bananas which have potassium are supposed to be good
If your husband's sperm count is good but, they are not good swimmers, you can try fruit smoothies to build strong and healthy sperm. It takes 3 months to mature a sperm, so be patient. Loose underwear is also advised for him.
Yes, spinach will help (vitamin K %26amp; Folate) but it must be fresh. Minimize red meats and increase vitamine K, A, and of course lots of B-complex. Start him on a multi-vitamin. Oh, and most importantly, tell him to stop masturbating. I'm serious. That will cause the sperm count to be very low. Exercise. Too much is not good but too little hurts as well. Moderate exercise, healthy diet, and no masturbation will increase sperm count dramatically.

And one more thing that is VERY important: Temperature. Sperm production can also be increased by lowering the average temperature of the testes. Some ways to do this: boxers instead of briefs, and the ';soda trick';. For a few minutes every day place a cold can of soda (ice packs are TOO cold) between his legs (maybe during trips in the car).

The reason this is true is that for sperm to be produced in the testes the temperature must be below 98.6.

You can also help by having sex in the early morning instead of the late evening. Late evening sperm counts tend to be lower on average than morning counts (due to rest, temperature, and energy factors).
fresh fruit smoothies--it was proven in a clinical trial
I think you need some education. He has to hump you to get you pregnant. In theory he could he eat whatever he likes while doing this.
dont htink eating is the ans to help him.

water is good for him and dont let him eat rubbish.

also only have sex about 2 times a week to gather more sperm so he'll have a better shot. also, you buy a ovalation test as this will tell you when your likely to be ready. it could take a few months depending on getting it right, but dont rush these things, it'll come to you in time
everything containing antioxidants is meant to help, it was proven on a show in the uk this week.

good luck and sex alot would also help even when your not ovulating, (i have been reading a book on this subject from Prof Robert winston, the guy is amazing!).
spinach mostly helps the women even though it is extremal health for anyone to eat.

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