Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to keep my husband from buying the gift I buy him for Christmas?

Every year I buy my husbands Christmas gift and before I get to give it to him he either buys it or tells me he is going to buy it so I have to tell him that I got it for him for Christmas. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do so this wont happen again this year? Also does anyone have any ideas on what I can get him?How to keep my husband from buying the gift I buy him for Christmas?
what a bummer!

Tell him'; don't get that ugly thing'; or '; the kids want to get you something like that so dont buy it';

Not the best but that's all i can think of for a tough situation like that!How to keep my husband from buying the gift I buy him for Christmas?

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I have a brother who is EXACTLY like your husband. He always buys stuff he wants before Christmas and we end up not being able to get anything for him.

What I do to stop him buying stuff is tell him that between November and December to not buy anything so that we have ideas of what to get him for Christmas, otherwise he'll end up with nothing. This usually works for us :3
I have an idea what to get your husband if he is into Star Wars, get him the Stars Wars Trivia Pursuit game I don't think he will get that on his own. Only get the game though if you know there are people he would be able to play it with, and the game is only questions on the original 3 movies.鈥?/a>
tell him that you really want to buy him something Special this year and you don't want him buying himself anything.

umm i would give you some suggestions on what you could buy him but i would have to know a little more info on what he likes etc.

Tell him he's forbidden to buy himself anything the entire month of December. Tell him it spoils the fun of buying him a present. Tell him if you don't get him what he really wants he can buy it in January.
you can buy some thing like men clone

How many years back I may claim my % of tax return that was taking for due child support of my husband?

May I fill out Injured spouse form 8379 with IRS for 2001, 2002..? At that time IRS didn't give me any information that I could do so.How many years back I may claim my % of tax return that was taking for due child support of my husband?
You can only claim injured spouse for the current tax year. The money has already been intercepted, sent to the state and then sent on to the parent owed child support. The letter your husband received explaining the interception also explained filing for injured spouse.How many years back I may claim my % of tax return that was taking for due child support of my husband?
You only have 3 months from the time that the original tax return was filed for that particular year. You can't go back on the injured spouse form like you can other parts of the tax return. Even when you ammend a prior years return, you can only ammend the last 3 years worth. You missed the deadline already for 2001-2006 as far as the injured spouse claim, there is no way to get that money back. Depending on when you filed 2007's tax return, you may have missed the deadline on it too. Sorry.

How come my two year old twins will nap for my husband but not me?

Whenever he is home and puts them down they both go to sleep. They have napped every day for a few days now because he was home on the weekend and in the middle of the day most of last week.

It's Tuesday and yesterday too I have put them down and within 20 minutes one of them is screaming and banging on the door, keeping them both up, and eventually figures out how to defeat the child proof door knob and they're out and not napping.

What the heck!How come my two year old twins will nap for my husband but not me?
My husband is the only one that can get my 3 year old to take a nap. She will lay down for me but quick as I leave the room she gets up and plays very quietly or she will just scream and keep saying that Im mean or something and it all ends with her getting into trouble and me taking things away and she knows that that will happen every time she refuses to take a nap but she will still do it. My husband works about 5 min away from our house and gets an hour lunch so he comes home and eats lunch with us and then he makes her take a nap.How come my two year old twins will nap for my husband but not me?
Sometimes it is because the kids feel your mood and they sense that you can be maybe a little tense,specially if they are newborn - 15 months.

This had hap pend to me and I find a Solution, for this problem. I usually put them to sleep around the same time usually 20 minutes after lunch that way they are full and probably sleepy. I will tell them after lunch you are going to sleep for a little while and after resting you will have a delicious snack or dessert. I put some classical music or TV show set 30min, time for TV to turn off. That way they can fall asleep and I try to relax too. Either I go to sleep,read or just finish pending house shores.But usually I try to relax (like me time).....Just be patient and try this out maybe it can work for you too!! Good luck %26amp; best wishes :)
I would start by reversing the lock on the door and locking them in (naturally making sure there are no hazards in the room first). Then, as the first answerer said, be firm with them and don't give up. It's the same as the CIO method at night (obviously unpopular, but effective). After a while they should give up and go to sleep.

Also, ask your husband what he does!
Ian goes through phases like that between my husband and I. He is around 20 months old and will go for an entire month where only my husband can get him down peacefully for a nap and then out of no where he switches!!! I can't imagine having 2 to put down. Super mom!!!
Maybe he's more stern with them than you are, so they listen to him
Perhaps they take him more seriously? He may have laid down the law(intentionally so, or unintentionally) and they know that dad is serious when he says something. How would he react to them getting out of bed and banging on the door?

I used to care for a little boy that decided he no longer wanted to nap. He was about 2 years old when it started and his mother just went with it. She would put him in the bed, and he would kick up a fuss(cry, get out of the bed, etc), and she would handle it by letting him stay up.

I, on the other hand put him in for his nap, and if he got out of the bed, he went straight back to the bed. He knew that I was serious and no amount of crying, screaming, getting out of bed, etc was going to get me to let him skip his nap. I used the back to bed technique(where you keep putting them back in the bed--no eye contact, talking,etc). He used to sleep very well when I was with him. He would doze off about 10 min after his head hit the pillow, and sleep for at least an hour.

You need to be the boss. If you don't want them to take a nap, that is fine, but the decision should be yours, not your childrens. Set rules and boundaries and stick to them. Children test boundaries all the time, you need to stick to your guns and keeps those boundaries in place. The testing was getting up and seeing if you would let them skip nap, by allowing them to skip the nap, you have essentially taught them that all they have to do is get out of bed, scream, cry, etc and they will not have to nap.

Why shouldn't my husband and I get permits to carry a firearm?

Seems like all these psychos are out here with guns ready to kill whoever. Why shouldn't the good people have them too?Why shouldn't my husband and I get permits to carry a firearm?
You should get them. I want you to.

However, with that weapon will come great responsibility. Take handling and retention classes, and always practice with it. Its no good to you if someone takes it away from you. Also take classes that are specific to your state so that you know the laws when it comes to you using that weapon.

Also ask yourself if you could pull the trigger. My sister was thinking was about getting a gun for self defense but when I asked her if she could put a bullet in another human's head, she said ';No.'; I told her to leave the guns alone.Why shouldn't my husband and I get permits to carry a firearm?
Who says you shouldn't?? I am a firm believer that citizens should have the means to protect themselves and property. I applaud you for thinking the same way...
You should, but as others have commented, only do so if you are willing to live with the guilt that you have taken a human life because that is what can happen very easily when you pull that trigger.

One should NOT get a firearm/permit without thorough and proper training in its use. Safety is of UTMOST importance and if ya'll have children, they should be taken into the equation. Otherwise, go for it!!!!!!!!!!
Unless you have prior convictions related to carrying firearms or participation in felonious acts, there is no reason why, AFTER taking gun safety courses, that you shouldn't have a permit for concealed carry or open carry - dependent upon your local and state regulations.

Also, remember to keep your permit current, and go to a gun safety range now and again to keep your skills current and safe.

And above all, don't draw your gun unless you are fully prepared to use it and never shoot unless you are willing to see whomever you are aiming your gun at die.
well do u actually need a gun for a specific reason? or r u just being very dramatic and supposing u need one at all times for protection?

if people dont own guns, others dont get shot!! ';Why shouldn't the good people have them too?'; there would be mayhem if every hick who fancied carrying a fire arm was running around ';protecting'; themselves
why shouldnt you? my husband is not only a police officer but also military police, and of course carries a firearm. we have talked about me gettin a permit also as he is gone alot. you have a constitutional right to bear arms and if you want to you can. im all for it. if it is something you genuinely want go for it
you should get permits and arm can't count on the police to protect you
maybe you should consider moving to Rhode Island or something...
i had to call the police during the night after i first moved to CA. i was suprised to hear an answering machine pick up the phone. can you believe that?

had we been in a position where we had an intruder we would've been in serious trouble! my beliefs on guns have always been that they were dangerous and that homes with children should never have guns. i have changed my position, needless to say. you have a right to bear arms and a responsibility to protect your family. as long as you are responsible and keep it safe DO IT!
There is NO reason why you shouldn't. I have a license to carry and do quite often.
Unfortunately, accidents can and do happen. A person I know accidently shot his younger brother in the chest and killed him while cleaning a gun (probably one of the most horrifying things a person could go through). They are not safe at all and, should you have one, there's always the risk of your child finding it.

However, there are other things you can do.

1. Avoid those ';bad'; neighborhoods you speak of so you don't have to worry about getting stranded in them.

2. Avoid driving/walking alone whenever possible... especially late at night and in potentially dangerous areas.

3. Take a self-defense class.

4. Study your area to find out what parts (streets, neighborhoods, etc.) have the most crime in them and do everything possible to avoid those places.

5. Lock the doors of your car while driving to keep potential car jackers away.

6. Carry other non-deadly (or less deadly) weapons such as mace, a pistol-size BB gun (might be enough to scare someone off since they can look like real guns), a baseball bat, etc.

7. Avoid bars and night clubs since the ';bad guys'; will likely be near these places.

8. Should you decide to carry a gun, be sure to get trained in it's proper use and safety and practice with it ONLY in a safe area AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC. It won't do you any good if you pull it out and shoot yourself in the foot (or worse). In addition, it's also possible that a gun alone (without bullets) would likely be enough to scare off many potential ';predators'; (unless they have a gun themselves and are willing to use it).

NOTE: Remember that just because Detroit is the ';number 1'; city for murder, that doesn't mean there are a lot of ';murderers'; there. It just means it ranked higher than the 2nd-place city, and that there are more murders there per year than in other similar cities. A lot of these statistics have to do with the larger population in such a city (a city with 500,000 people or more will likely have more murders than a city with, say, only 40,000 people).
By all means, go arm yourselves. You have a right, and an obligation to defend yourself and your family
There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to, but do you really need to? How many people are actually psychos? If I had to guess, I would say maybe 0.001%. That's a pretty low number to justify carrying a gun. And just remember, everyone is a law abiding citizen until they kill someone. I just hope you or your husband don't have a bad temper or an itchy trigger finger.

How to convince future husband to allow to possibly name future baby?


The thing is he knows that I have named past two cats this name and he is bothered by this. I named them my favorite name, because I never thought I would potentially find a man and want to settle down.

Anyways, the name is for a girl and it is Riley.How to convince future husband to allow to possibly name future baby?
Well the two of you need to compromise. Riley IS a nice name, but the name should stay with your cats. Your daughter should have her own name I think.

What about Ryan, Hayley, Ashley, Leah, Annaliese, Annaliesa, Liesel, Evelisa, Lisa, Elisa, Ainsley, or Avery? They're kind of similar.How to convince future husband to allow to possibly name future baby?
Its weird I guess, but its not like you're naming them that after your pets as in because it was your pets name,'re naming it because its your favorite name....

but it is a bit odd, if it ever comes up in conversation. If you really cant agree come up with a compromise (Kiley) or your second favorite name, w/e that may be.
Gee, any kid would love to know they are named after the same as a cat...

I think it's a bit weird. It's not the only name out there, surely you can find something else you like. Regardless, the name you choose should be something both you and your husband are happy with, not just you.
Riley is a VERY trendy name right now and it is so over-used that it's actually become quite funny.

It would be really odd to name your baby after two past cats and I can understand why your fiance has an aversion to it.
You are going to have to come up with a new name. It is strange calling two separate cats the same name, but totally ridiculous to even suggest you use the same name for your future child.
Ha my husbands the same

ive had




as oets so he ruled these names out

EVEN though his mum named him after a Thunderbird Scott!
tell him that you really love the name and if he lets you have the choice of the first name, he can pick the middle name.
why a male name like Reilly for a girl?

yeah i can see his point he doesn't want a kid named after a kid

if its a boy will you call it spot? or rover?
m aybe ur baby is the reincarnatin of ur cats and i think its ok to name a abay after a cat or dog Rover tiger blackey fluffy patch are great names and i think ppl should experiment more with names
Riley is a masculine BOYS name. Awful for a little girl.
I love the name Riley, but I do think it's a bit odd to name your first child after two of your past cats.
RILEY is definitely a boys' name!!! Don't name your little GIRL a boys' name ..that's just embarrassing!!
cats name should be some deference
  • bloom-
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  • Should I leave my husband change or give my daugher a bath?

    My daugher just turned 3 years old, and sometimes when I am busy my husband gives her a bath and change her nappy. Do you think I should worry about that or not?Should I leave my husband change or give my daugher a bath?
    Do you have a reason to worry? It's perfectly normal for a dad to change his childs diaper and give baths. It's called sharing the responsibility. If you seriously think your husband would do something to her, then you should leave him.

    Most likely, what you should do, is be thankful that your man is willing to help out with the child. Some men refuse to change diapers simply because it's unpleasant.

    Also, with him helping out, he is bonding with his child. That is never a bad thing.Should I leave my husband change or give my daugher a bath?
    I assume you trust your husband.

    If he is a child molester, or has made obvious to you that he has thoughts of doing that, or that it is okay to do, then obviously, you should divorce and move far away from your husband, to protect your daughter.

    Otherwise, sure, let him change and bathe his daughter. He is her father.
    Why would you worry? He can help with bath time until about age 7, only because she might feel a little embarrassed by then. Be thankful for any help for even part of the bath. Sometimes it takes 2 people when washing and rinsing out the hair, kids scream so much about shampoo in their eyes or just fear of drowning....ect.
    Why would you worry? Are you seriously telling us you're married to and living with someone who you think is sexually attracted to a three year old?

    If he isn't, then of course you shouldn't worry. So what if he's a man? Most dads change nappies at least occasionally.
    why worry about the changing/bathing unless you think he's doing something inappropriate. if that is the case, you need to get your daughter away from him immediately. otherwise, be grateful that he is helping out. good luck.
    No...Why??....Perhaps when she gets to five and six then perhaps yes.....but I dont see anything wrong as a father doing that...Afterall she is his daughter...Unless you suspect she is being sexually assaulted I wouldnt get too paranoid?
    why should you be worried? it's his child too, he should help out. are you implying you think he is sexually abusing your child? if you suspect this, i don't know what to tell you.
    um, no...thats perfectly normal. unless you suspect your husband is sexually abusing her or something, then you have nothing to worry about..
    Can we get someone to screen for serious questions please? This is ridiculous..
    you should worry if he didn't. she's his kid too, right
    you are sick

    Can my almost ex husband file business banktruptcy on just his behalf and stick me with everything?

    My husband and I had a small restaurant together while we were married. Now we're almost divorced and we are going to file business bankruptcy. He says he can just file on his behalf and stick me with everything. Is this possible?Can my almost ex husband file business banktruptcy on just his behalf and stick me with everything?
    You NEED, I repeat NEED, an attorney.

    If he can file on his own behalf and stick you with everything it seems logical that you could then file in your own behalf and stick your creditors with everything.

    This is sheer speculation on my part -- see an attorney


    Would a marriage surrive being separated across the country? My husband and I have both been out of work for?

    a month now and we have both been offered positions in Santa Fe, NM and Washington D.C. Both jobs are amazing positions. We have been married for 2 years and we have had problems in the past. We have one daughter together. In your opinion do you think our marriage would survive by being separated by such a distance?Would a marriage surrive being separated across the country? My husband and I have both been out of work for?
    the question is ';for how long?'; i think many marriages can survive temporary absences, but if it's for a long time, begs the question: why be married?

    it must be difficult to be out of jobs and i won't pretend i understand, but i think for the sake of your marriage (which i assume is important to you) and for the sake of your daughter you should try to stay together. you don't want to risk ruining your marriage and/or losing the intimacy.

    it'll be tough but marriages are about making sacrifices. maybe one of you will have to get a not-so-good job, but at the end, i think it'll be worth it. missing your spouse is the worst feeling in the world. so if you can avoid it find a job in the same place.

    all the best.Would a marriage surrive being separated across the country? My husband and I have both been out of work for?
    These are tough times, and you would be foolish to pass up job opportunities at this time no matter where they were. If you love each other enough, your marriage will survive through anything, if there are any doubts about your relationship with one another now is the time to find out before one of you moves into a situation that you really do not want. Take the chance while you have a selection of jobs to choose from. When times get better, you will be able to select the job that serves your family the best, you are lucky to have the choices you have, many would give anything for such a chance.
    no, i think the one who can get the better paying job should take it and the other partner should move into a place with them and keep looking for a local job only. a move is very expensive. I imagine NO chance at all for a long distance marriage of 2 years with a small child. i know a couple married over 30 years with 3 grown children survived a year apart with visit and daily calls. Both had a job. the wife was transferred and took it for one year to get her retirement money. They both told me it was terribly stressful.
    well my experience is that only one in 100 will survive like that. I am in construction and I see guys hit the road for work all the time while the family is at home and way more often than not it ends badly. If you really want to stay together pick one job or the other and learn to live on less until you are both working again.
    yes it can work,, only if you want it to.... i think about the wifes who are here in the u,s while their hubbys have been gone in iracq for more than a year or two ,, what makes u think you cant sacrifice a little time away from your hubby? not trying to be mean,, but at least you both have a job and a child,,, do you not see the blessing in there at all?
    If one of you is very social, it will not work. Those office get-togethers or guys/girls who are ';just friends'; will ultimately lead to something bad when you are alone. It's human nature. You need to stay together if you want it to work, otherwise I give you 6 months.
    I would not be separated. I would take the best job for your family and move there. The other person can look for a job where ever you move to. That is what I would do.
    I agree with the first answer

    How do you deal with an ex-girlfriend of your husband's trying to break up your marriage?

    My husband and I had a big argument and an old ex girlfriend of his would not stop bugging him until he told her what was wrong... Now she has damn near ruined everything how do you get rid of the ex?How do you deal with an ex-girlfriend of your husband's trying to break up your marriage?
    she should not be involved. period. she was a part of his past and you are his present and future. if he intends to keep you in his life he needs to cut ties with her. it is disrespectful to you and your relationship. How do you deal with an ex-girlfriend of your husband's trying to break up your marriage?
    First of all your husband has no business carrying on a friendship with his ex-girlfriend. You should have put a stop to that on day one.

    Second you need to tell your husband that he either wants to make a go of his marriage and continue having you as his wife or he wants his ex-girlfriend to take your place, because he can't have both of you.

    His ex-girlfriend can only be a problem in your marriage, if you continue to allow him to be friends with her. She needs to go and you need to put your foot down.
    Its not about you getting rid of the ex. The question is why is he still dealing with her, and hes with you. Her problems are her own, to worry about. You are his wife, put your feet down, and give orders. Basically your husband needs to decide you or her. Shes a grown *** women, she should be able to handle her own. How the hell is she still in contact with him, or why is my question...Handle your business girl, cause if it was you, handling an ex-boyfriend he would not be having it.
    You don't get rid of her, he does. He didn't tell her anything that he didn't want to. She can't force him to speak with her or answer her questions. The biggest problem here is him, not her. What the hell is he even talking to her for?
    It's not your job, it's his. He needs to put you first. This woman definitely needs to be put in her place but he should be man enough and have the sack to tell her to leave him the hell alone. Don't let your husband's wussiness drag you into a cluster f**k.
    It has nothing to do with her. If you had a wonderful, happy marriage, he's truly in love with you, he won't even look at her sexually or romantically.

    It's all about your relationship. Nothing about her.
    You and your husband are giving this ex girlfriend way too much power...If you both stand united...she can't succeed in breaking up your matter what she does...but it sounds like your husband doesn't have the balls to tell her to butt the hell out of your lives....
    So why is He still talking to her?!

    How to get rid of an ex? Stop communicating with them! Block her number, block her email and just ignore her.

    This is all up to your husband if he wants to stop it he can.
    Honestly another person can not break up a relationship. It's the people involved in the relationship and what they do in any given situation.
    Get your husband to stop talking to her. She is an ex for a reason. Remind him of those reasons.
    you gotta deal with it as a tell him not to talk to her etc..BUT dont go after the ex urself...tahts what they dont fall into that trap...
    Kick her ***!!!

    How would a woman be able to tell if her husband is Gay?

    I feel sorry for a good friend of mine, her and her boyfriend/ Husband have been together for 9 years, they have 3 kids and a pretty good life, but she is always so self concious because her husband never wants to have sex. She feels like there is something wrong with her but she is beautifull, why does she have to beg him to make love to her? She says the only time they do anything sexual is if they are a little drunk, what is going on?How would a woman be able to tell if her husband is Gay?
    im sorry but that's a huge indicator if he is gay, check his browsing history on the internet, credit card history to see what he's bought, and tell her to confront him about this, i'm gay myself and wasting 9 years of someone's life is pretty harshHow would a woman be able to tell if her husband is Gay?
    Stress: Work, Kids, Finances, Wife, Friends...etc!

    Depression or other mental illness!

    Lack of time!


    Physical illness!

    Has another woman on the side

    There are so many reasons why her husband might not want to have sex that has nothing to do with him being gay! More then likely its one of those things!
    Maybe she needs to just ask him. Presuming he's gay is a little far-fetched unless she caught him checking out another man.

    She needs to sit him down, ask him wtf is wrong and go from there.
    Maybe he doesn't wana make love to her because he doesn't love her anymore. Nine years is a long time...
    Sticky situation there huh?

    How do I file my VA state taxes if my husband is a Marine and a residence of TN. I had to have VA state?

    licenses before my job would hire me. TN does not pay state taxes. On our federal we were told to file jointly. Now how do I file my state without including my husbands income that wasn't taxed by VA?How do I file my VA state taxes if my husband is a Marine and a residence of TN. I had to have VA state?
    Married filing separatelyHow do I file my VA state taxes if my husband is a Marine and a residence of TN. I had to have VA state?
    Do NOT file separately. For a long list of reasons, you NEVER come out ahead on the federal that way. For one thing, you don't get the deductions of a single person, you get half of the married deductions. Married filing seperately is ONLY a good idea if your spouse is reporting something bogus and you don't want to sign their return.

    There are special residency rules for military personnel. I'm sure the Marines have someone who can explain this to your husband. If you file a joint return with your husband, you may be able to reduce your taxes. I can't give specific tax advice without more information. However, if you don't pay taxes in the state of residency, the state where you earned the taxes will assess them - i.e. you can't get all of your VA witholding back and not pay TN. You will need ot file in VA since you earned income there, and the form may be different since you are considered a nonresident. I would recommend using a tax office near the base, they will have experience with this. Try to get a recommendation from someone, don't just pick one by driving by!
    when my husband was military we had to file by his home of record, so even though we lived in california, we had to file state taxes for PA , and in our case PA doesnt pay state taxes, so we didnt have any garnished from his pay thus we didnt get any money back when it was time to file
    File a joint return with your husband, Military are tax exenpt in Va. from state tax. You are entiteld to many tax exenptions so under your status. There is free help under JAG thay will help you or point you in the right direction.

    What can my husband do to get better sleep?

    My husband has ADHD and has trouble sleeping. He takes melatonin because we prefer to stay away from the narcotic sleeping pills. This does seem to be helping him sleep better but he says he still does not wake up feeling refreshed or it's as if he didn't even sleep at all. What else can he do to get better rest?What can my husband do to get better sleep?
    People often have trouble getting off to sleep because they are talking to themselves in a fast paced voice. Maybe talking about the events of the day or thinking about what they are going to do tomorrow. One way that has helped many people sleep better is to simply hear the voice slow down. Hear it talking slowed down and with pauses between each word. Maybe your husband can give it a go...What can my husband do to get better sleep?
    Actually the weed probably doesn't help much with his sleep. It may help him get to sleep, but it could negatively impact the quality of his sleep. The same is true of alcohol. Alcohol can help you get to sleep, but it is a poor quality sleep.

    Does he get much exercise? If not, that is something he could include in his daily activities that should wear him out by the end of the day, and it has numerous other benefits. Aerobic exercise where you get out of breath and high heart rate is preferable to strength training (lifting weights).

    Does he drink beverages with caffeine in them? That would be another obvious one to cut down on if that is the case.
    Smoking can cause your body to wake you as it craves it's next nicotine hit. Stopping would be a great start to better sleeping. Before you dive into medicines, think about why you are not sleeping from a broader view point. Get some tips on line I recommend :
    here ares some sleep answers which would help you:

    smoke marijuana. you might be like ';oh my gosh thats a drug NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'; but works and its not a drug its a plant. it works everytime.

    What would I do when I was told that my husband is a cheater?

    The father of my child have been seen in the street while he was trying to pick up a woman from the street. I was expecting that but the truth always hurts. I wouldn't expect myself being mad that much. I didn't confront him and i will never do. I will move out of his life legally.What would I do when I was told that my husband is a cheater?
    if you aren't willing to confront him about it and talk it out to find out what's EXACTLY is going on and WHY. Then yes, you need to leave him and divorce him, a marriage is made up of many diffrent things, and communicating is one of them, if you can't communicate with your spouse then you won't be happy with him, Good LuckWhat would I do when I was told that my husband is a cheater?
    Check to see if you have any diseases and stop all intimacy. Only if it was related to prostitution. If there is the slightest possibility it wasn't go to him and talk to him. If you know it was then just say adios and try to prevent yourself from hurting like that anymore. I only put 75% of trust in my husband. He never mistreated me since we were 12. I told him that I wasn't going to trust him 100% and if it gets any lower than 60% I was gonna talk to him. He told me that he trusted me 150% and all I told him was don't expect the same.
    Picking up a woman on the street, like a prostitute? In any case, rest assured he has cheated on you before . Stop all intimacy with him, get checked for STD`S and be sure to have this witness prepared to back you up if need be. And move out and on asap..make him pay for what he has done to you..this can be taken as a threat to your health and well being, what if he contracted aids or another deadly disease?
    I certainly would NOT go w/o saying something to him. He does DESERVE to KNOW that you did see him, that you DO KNOW what he's been up to. I'll be darned if I would keep that to myself. He does deserve to be ';called'; on that, %26amp; NOT to let him get away scott free w/o saying anything to him. He surely deserves to know that you are fully away of what he's been up to, %26amp; the very reason he's disappointed %26amp; hurt you like he has. Do NOT let him get away w/it, he's really stooping very LOW to do a thing like that against you. You really should look him straight in the eyes %26amp; tell him just what you saw. Let him feel some hurt too, if he even could. Best to you...:)
    Sounds like you are handling it well, maturely and calm. It is really surorising to see a woman handle infedelity like this.

    My ex wife once thought I was cheating on her and beated me up, funny thing cause she was the one who cheated and ended the marriage. But kudos to you.
    this would best be answered in the form of a song by Lil Wayne..


    ';she knows it's wrong, she knows i'm from the streets and all she wants me to do is fuc the police';

    a snipit from Lil Wayne's.. Mrs. Officer..

    Hi Val.. ;)
    So how reliable is your source of this information? Failing to confront is failure in the marriage on your part. If you can't investigate to know the truth then perhaps you should avoid relationships completely.
    I don't know what you would do, but I would feel greatly betrayed, completed embarrassed, and absolutely ashamed...and I would certainly not be having sex with him again. Who knows what kind of disease he may have.
    Marriage should be based on trust..You cannot trust him...Just remember a divorce is not about ';who keeps the children';. His infidelity makes him a bad husband, but does it make him a bad father??
    OMG I am laughing...TRIXIE is quoting Lil' Wayne now I have heard EVERYTHING!

    Didn't I see you on Cheaters?
    yeap leave and make him suffer

    Why did my dog lay right on top of my husband when he was sick?

    Can anyone explain why my male St. Bernard layed right on top of my husband, nose to nose when my husband was sick with a bad cold and fever. My dog never did this before. My husband was laying on his back on the couch sick with a terrible cold and fever and my St. Bernard got up on top of him and laid his body stretched out right on top of him. Was he trying to keep him warm or something. He never, ever laid on anyone before. Can someone explain this behavior.Why did my dog lay right on top of my husband when he was sick?
    This is a very interesting question. There are a few different things going on here. One is that your dog sees you and your husband as part of his pack so when your husband got ill and in a weak condition your dog seen him as being a weak and vonerable member of your pack because he was sick and the dog was taking it upon himself to look after him to see that nothing would harm him. The other reason I believe is because St,Bernards for hundreds of years have been bred to be rescue dogs and have a strong drive to come to the rescue of someone in trouble. One of the main types of rescue work these dogs were bred for is mountain rescue. When these dogs would locate someone that was burried in the snow or that had fallen through some thin ice they would dig them out or swim out and retrieve that person. Once they had pulled the person to safety the St,Bernard would lay across the person to help regulate the persons body temprature. The reason the dog new to do this was that they were thought to detect chemical changes in the human body that told them that the persons body temprature was not normal. So the dog would lay it's massive thick coated body across the person in an attempt to help regulate the body temp using it's own body heat. What I believe your dog did was scence a chemical change in your husband body that instinctivly told him that your husband's body temp was not normal. It made no difference weather it was a fever or hypothermia. All the dog new was it was not normal and the only way for him to regulate it was to lay across him. He was just doing what he was bred for and what came natural to him. GREAT DOG.Why did my dog lay right on top of my husband when he was sick?
    He is monitoring his breathing and pulse and just in case...he is there to do CPR including mouth to mouth resucitation...
    It's part of the pack instinct, to protect and comfort the pack leader. My cats do this too when I don't feel well. It's normal behavior.
    sometimes dogs just know.
    animales know when things r going wrong so they do these kind of things. it's not straing it's just your dogs reaction to his sickness. don't worry.

    Dogs know a lot more than they're given credit for.
    Because animals have an amazing sense of when something is wrong. Laying on your husband was your dogs way of fetching some chicken noodle soup in a sense. It was his way of comforting your husband. When Im sick (the sicker I am) the sloser my cats stay to me. Animals are wonderful arent they?
    He knows Daddy didn't feel good! When we had to put my little dog down, I was in tears for a week. Every time I would cry, my big dog would try to sit in my lap or bring me all her favorite toys. They can tell how people are feeling, especially those close to them!
    He was worried and trying to help. What a sweetie!!!
    Trying to comfort your husband and to take some of the pain away. Aren't they intuitive?
    animals can sense when there is something wrong and they to comfort the only way they know how
    He was warm for the dog and I suspect it was instinctual for the dog tto comfort a sick companion and keep them warm during fever.
    He was just trying to make him feel better.
    Animals can sense when you are not feeling well. He obviously wanted to stay very close to him until he was better. They are wonderfully sensative and give us lots of love when we need it most. He's a keeper...
    Dogs are smart. They know when things aren't right. My mom is a diabetic, and she has a chihuahua. On more than one occasion her dog has woke her up when her blood sugar was getting dangerously low. (This was before her eye surgery and she was accidentally overdosing on her insulin.)
    he prob. new that he was sick and needed help and wanted to warm him up

    How does my husband and I decide on a realtor? We each have a realtor that sold our condos before marrying.?

    He sold his condo with his realtor and now we are in my condo and need to sell it and will use my realtor. However, when it comes to buying our new home, who do we use? He likes his, and I like mine and we both like eachothers but obviously can only use one. His realtor has offered 20% off his commision and we aren't sure what my realtor will offer. His realtor is more familiar with another city but says he knows enough about where we want to buy, while mine is very familair with where we plan on buying.How does my husband and I decide on a realtor? We each have a realtor that sold our condos before marrying.?
    This will be a business transaction. If you're looking to make friends, host a tea party. In real estate transactions, friendship should be left out of the equation. Pick a neutral realtor who spends less time telling you all the great things he's going to do for you and more time getting you a phenominal deal on your new home.How does my husband and I decide on a realtor? We each have a realtor that sold our condos before marrying.?
    Your two realtors can always partner up if they are willing to split the commission (assuming that they work for the same company). I see a lot of husband and wife real estate teams - if they work together, they still get one commission.
    if you are willing to do things yourselves and want to save some money, use a company called ';Buy Owner'; you will have to scope out properties on your own, and show the place you are selling on your own, but buy owner covers all the legal work and are very efficient. they also are a fraction of the price a realtor will charge.

    Why is my husband forcing open marriage on me just to keep mistress?

    He moved out and stopped having sex with me 2yrs ago to be with his mistress full time.

    Why is he forcing an open marriage on me when he knows I'm trying to fix this broken marriage for our kids.Why is my husband forcing open marriage on me just to keep mistress?
    he isn't.... you are letting him.

    get a divorce... and get rid of this LOWLIFE SCUM.

    you don't stay married for the sake of the kids..... only does more harm than good.Why is my husband forcing open marriage on me just to keep mistress?
    You aren't being forced into anything. You are willingly staying married to him. You rightfully could sue him for abandonment.

    He had shown his true feelings that he is not in love with you and he does not want to be married to you.

    It sounds like you are in denial and think you are holding something together, ';for the sake of the kids.';

    And what is the reality that you are showing your children? By your lack of self-defense you are showing them that a man can abandon his responsibilites and turn his back on his obligations. You are showing your kids that a woman can be humiliated by a husband that walks out on her. What are you really teaching the children with your behavior.

    A strong self--loving human being would sue the husband for divorce, get alimony, custody and child support.

    That bum is trying to get out of your life. Let him!
    First of all if he moved out 2yrs ago to be with the other woman you can't fix it any more because he doesn't want to.

    As for the open marriage thing. He wants it that way so he doesn't loose in the divorce. He knows you have grounds to file for divorce IE he committed adultery. You could probably take him to the cleaners so to speak, which means he would loose a lot of money and then the **** would leave him.

    While I do believe that children are better off with a mother and father that are still together, this is not such a case where I would advise the marriage to continue.
    He wants his cake and to be able to eat it too. Either roll with it or divorce him. It doesn't sound like he's coming back and why would he when he has the mistress for fun %26amp;games and little to no obligation for supporting you %26amp; the kids. Trying to save a marriage for the sake of the kids will only backfire. All that will accomplish is making the kids feel like they caused this and make them (and you) miserable while hubby is out having a blast. Teach your children that there is a better life out there, be an adult role model and be strong, get out for your sake and the kids sake.
    You answered your own question. ';to keep mistress.';

    This is not an ';open'; marriage. This cannot be fixed. This isn't good for your kids.

    Metaphorically speaking, you need to grow a set! File for divorce, sue for child support and take everything you can get. Get a good lawyer to take him to the cleaners. Get on with your life. Eventually, you will find someone worthy of you. Be free to pursue it. This relationship is dead. Give it a proper burial.

    Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's the truth.
    If he moved out, then i'd assume he's finished with the marriage

    Maybe it's time to start taking care of you and those kids exclusively, and stop waiting for someone who has shown absolutely no respect for his entire family.

    If you are struggling with all of this, perhaps consider talking with a therapist to gain some insight into your life and to figure out what direction you might need to take to find your own happiness.

    Your husband is a jack a s s
    Wow, you are seriously deluded. Your marriage ended the first time your husband dropped his pants in another woman's bedroom. Stop trying to fix something that is broken beyond repair. You claim to do this for your kids, well if you really wanted to do what they needed, you'd get divorced and focus your energy on building a future for yourself and them. As opposed to running after a guy who has made it clear that he doesn't want you. What sort of an example do you think you're setting for your kids? Wake up and smell the coffee.
    You are forcing this on yourself. He is having fun with his new mistress/girlfriend. Do you need a rock to fall onto your head to know this marriage is over? He doesn't want to save your marriage. Face facts and move on. It is not helping your kids at all to be married to this man. You are teaching your kids to have no self-respect and to be a fool. I am sorry to have to be so harsh, but you need to face reality. Good luck!
    Could it be his way of getting out of paying child support and alimony? Think about it, what does he need you for? If there's no sex and he's not living with you, He basically doing what he wants and doesn't care if you like it or not.

    So the Question is, what are YOU gonna do about it? Don't say you want to save your marriage for your kids. Don't use your kids as an excuse for not doing anything. Whether you guys are together or not, both of you are their parents and nothing going to change that. So, are you ready for a change? Or are you content to live like this?
    A marriage is a partnership - no one can force an open marriage on anyone. If you don't like it, grow a spine and divorce his ***. You're not doing your kids any favors, you're just going to give them a really awful example of what a normal relationship should be like.
    Break up with him its over !!!! get child support off him '; he will have to pay!'; get half his **** and start over your kids deserve better than this man! What kind, loving, supportive man does that??????? None he is a complete arss start fresh you deserve it your children deserve it! Be strong !!!!!!
    It's obvious that he really doesn't want to be with you,but will stay for the kids,but will be with the person he really wants to be with.You either need to accept it or move on.
    divorce him. you have grounds for divorce. you call it open marriage, but the law calls it adultery. that is crazy.
    you are a doormat, ummmmmm he doesn't want you divorce him and he doesnt want to have sex open marriage is perfect for him.

    why dont you get some self respect and leave him alone.
    He's a jerk, trying to have the best of both worlds. Don't let him, you will regret it in the end...he'll only leave her when he's ready, which is disrespectful and a total waste of your time.
    you need to move on young lady. he obviously doesnt care about you or them right now. is he addicted to drugs?? that could be a big part of it
    There is no such thing as an open marriage. Get a divorce
    Doesn't care anymore

    Love is Dead

    Killed in a Car accident somewhere
    He is a selfish jerk.
    divorce his ***
  • bloom-
  • top makeup
  • What would I do when I was told that my husband is a cheater?

    The father of my child have been seen in the street while he was trying to pick up a woman from the street. I was expecting that but the truth always hurts. I wouldn't expect myself being mad that much. I didn't confront him and i will never do. I will move out of his life legally.What would I do when I was told that my husband is a cheater?
    if you aren't willing to confront him about it and talk it out to find out what's EXACTLY is going on and WHY. Then yes, you need to leave him and divorce him, a marriage is made up of many diffrent things, and communicating is one of them, if you can't communicate with your spouse then you won't be happy with him, Good LuckWhat would I do when I was told that my husband is a cheater?
    Check to see if you have any diseases and stop all intimacy. Only if it was related to prostitution. If there is the slightest possibility it wasn't go to him and talk to him. If you know it was then just say adios and try to prevent yourself from hurting like that anymore. I only put 75% of trust in my husband. He never mistreated me since we were 12. I told him that I wasn't going to trust him 100% and if it gets any lower than 60% I was gonna talk to him. He told me that he trusted me 150% and all I told him was don't expect the same.
    Picking up a woman on the street, like a prostitute? In any case, rest assured he has cheated on you before . Stop all intimacy with him, get checked for STD`S and be sure to have this witness prepared to back you up if need be. And move out and on asap..make him pay for what he has done to you..this can be taken as a threat to your health and well being, what if he contracted aids or another deadly disease?
    I certainly would NOT go w/o saying something to him. He does DESERVE to KNOW that you did see him, that you DO KNOW what he's been up to. I'll be darned if I would keep that to myself. He does deserve to be ';called'; on that, %26amp; NOT to let him get away scott free w/o saying anything to him. He surely deserves to know that you are fully away of what he's been up to, %26amp; the very reason he's disappointed %26amp; hurt you like he has. Do NOT let him get away w/it, he's really stooping very LOW to do a thing like that against you. You really should look him straight in the eyes %26amp; tell him just what you saw. Let him feel some hurt too, if he even could. Best to you...:)
    Sounds like you are handling it well, maturely and calm. It is really surorising to see a woman handle infedelity like this.

    My ex wife once thought I was cheating on her and beated me up, funny thing cause she was the one who cheated and ended the marriage. But kudos to you.
    this would best be answered in the form of a song by Lil Wayne..


    ';she knows it's wrong, she knows i'm from the streets and all she wants me to do is fuc the police';

    a snipit from Lil Wayne's.. Mrs. Officer..

    Hi Val.. ;)
    So how reliable is your source of this information? Failing to confront is failure in the marriage on your part. If you can't investigate to know the truth then perhaps you should avoid relationships completely.
    I don't know what you would do, but I would feel greatly betrayed, completed embarrassed, and absolutely ashamed...and I would certainly not be having sex with him again. Who knows what kind of disease he may have.
    Marriage should be based on trust..You cannot trust him...Just remember a divorce is not about ';who keeps the children';. His infidelity makes him a bad husband, but does it make him a bad father??
    OMG I am laughing...TRIXIE is quoting Lil' Wayne now I have heard EVERYTHING!

    Didn't I see you on Cheaters?
    yeap leave and make him suffer

    What do I with my divorce papers served by my husband's lawyer?

    My husband filled for divorce. I was served the divorce papers from his attorney. We both want this divorce and my husband promissed to pay all fees and support to me.

    I am confused because his lawyer is asking me to pay the attorney fees and cost and terminate to award a spousal support.

    I feel they are playing a game with me.

    What I should do? Please advice.What do I with my divorce papers served by my husband's lawyer?
    Do NOT do a thing until YOU consult an atty. Funny how things are so different %26amp; chg. so much as soon as you get an attys. hands on things! Leave it to an atty. to completely chg. things from what you'd originally planned on doing. This does NOT surprise me in the least, it's something a typical atty. would just do. As in, ';make the other one pay';, don't let her off that easily! Typical move by an atty. Now you are going to have to hire an atty. to fight these things, when it could have been done so much easier. I once was a legal sec., so I'm familiar w/the way they do work. They sure can turn things around into pure GREED for ';their clients';. I'm SURE if you just fight it, the tables WILL turn around for YOU. Just ashame he had to go %26amp; do this AGAINST you. DO take it to an atty. tho %26amp; you'll end up being OK. Try NOT to get upset about it tho, yes, I realize easier said than done, BUT, I do feel things WILL work out OK for you in the end. I do wish you the best, %26amp; a brighter future for you...:)What do I with my divorce papers served by my husband's lawyer?
    He said a bunch of things in order for you to agree to the divorce. He got a sneaky lawyer who is teaching him to play dirty.

    Whatever you do, do not sign the papers. If you sign them then you are legally binding to them; you will lose spousal support support and be required to pay the fees.

    Unfortunately, its no longer an uncontested divorce. The only way to get this finalized, and to protect yourself, is to get a lawyer yourself.
    Honey get an attorney fast. His attorney is there to protect him not you. Get you own and ask that since he filed he have to pay cost.

    On the subject of spousal support, my opinion is that a couple years to help someone get on their feet and get a job should be sufficient for most. There are times when it should be extended, but supporting someone the rest of their life just doesn't seem right.
    Was the promise made in written? Why the Lawyer of your husband, should ask you for Attorny Fees %26amp; Cost from you? It should be borne by your estranged Husband. In the Capacity of Lawyer, it is a legitimate demand for Termination of Award of Spousal Support, for his Client, even if the Client has promised in written. That much authority The Lawyer has!
    You should take the papers to your own lawyer to review before you sign anything. His lawyer has probably helped him realize that he doesn't have to give you anything without a fight, and you could be giving up your fight without realizing it by signing those papers.
    If that's what it says in the paperwork then it doesn't sound like he's paying for everything......You need a lawyer too. Sorry. Divorce is expensive. I'm up to 10K right now for the last 6 months of custody battles for a divorce that happened almost 3 years ago.
    DO NOT trust anyone (especially your husband's lawyer ) . Get yourself an attorney to make sure you are not being screwed over .

    It DEFINITELY sounds like your husbands attorney is looking to screw you over real good . GET YOURSELF AN ATTORNEY!!!!!
    Sign the papers and then you can realize it's over and move on to something else. Pay it, peace of mind is worth more then the fees.
    Follow the African Queen's advice She is 100% right.

    Do not sign the papers!
    Get a lawyer and arrange a meeting
    GET A LAWYER!!!!

    His lawyer is doing what all attorney's do - trying to get the most for HIS client because that means the lawyer gets more money in his pocket at the end...

    GET A LAWYER!!!!
    Hire a lawyer.
    Get a lawyer to advise you!
    get a lawyer and have her look at it with you

    tell your lawyer what he said

    How can my husband or I trick myself into wanting to give him oral sex?

    We are happily married, we've had a great sex life together, but I've never given him oral sex. I've given oral sex before but I think it's disgusting and for some reason, I can't bring myself to do it. In my head I want to, because we are married and I have to get over it, but I just can't do it!! haha I'm helpless. or am i? Any ideas on how to get my husband or me to want to do it?How can my husband or I trick myself into wanting to give him oral sex?
    Bath with him right before, and clean him down there. That will help you psychologically because you know it's clean. That's the issue with most girls. Maybe trimming some of the pubic hair will help, too. That makes it easier for you to get there.

    Try some flavored lubricant. You should use flavored lube during oral sex anyway, b/c the penis is very sensitive, and licking it everywhere just isn't enough, but it has to be flavored b/c it not it will have some icky taste. But for your case, just use it to get over the taste of it.

    Flavored condoms will work too.


    Communication will help a ton. Just discuss WHY you feel uncomfortable and then you can work out those issues together. If you're so happily married and comfortable with each other, then it shouldn't be too uncomfortable of a topic.

    You can start slow. Start by bringing your head close to it, slowly. Then you'll be used to having it near your face. Then start by touching your lips to the tip and kissing it. Then you get used to the texture without the taste. Then touch your tongue to it quickly. It's like diving for the first time. You just have to close your eyes and force yourself to just do it, and after that, it just becomes so much easier.

    To be honest, I've always thought that oral sex was gross. I just thought that it was completely 100% disgusting. Then I married my hubby and I love and care about him so much that it just got better and now it's not disgusting anymore. I can do it for him, fine. I enjoy it, too, b/c I love him so much and find him so attractive. But for anyone else, it's still disgusting.

    It's like, oral sex is definitely disgusting and gross to me, but there's one person who changes your mind!

    You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You should at least try just once in order to be fair. You might really like it! After you've tried it once, then you don't have to do it anymore. Try things at least once before judging them!How can my husband or I trick myself into wanting to give him oral sex?
    Most men love this more then any other type of foreplay by far. By far, far far.

    1. He has to take a shower and use lots of soap, he needs to smell and taste super clean. If he does this right and shouldn't feel much different than sucking a big finger

    2. He needs to get your really turned on before you do this and ideally you should be positioned so he can either please you with his hands or his mouth (69) while you please him

    If you really want to ';trick'; your body there is a tried and true way to do it. Practice sucking his finger while he gives YOU oral sex. And he should stick with it until you are ';finished';. That will cause your body to associate sucking with orgasm. If you do that a half dozen times well, you should be VERY turned on by giving him oral sex.
    Tie his wrists together behind him and lay him on his back with a pillow supporting his shoulders (to ease the pressure on his wrists). Then tie his crossed ankles together. Finally, climb on top facing the opposite direction and back up so he is forced to use his mouth on you. Now that nobody is watching and you are a bit distracted, you can play with him with your mouth. You can start by coming at it from the side if you like.

    There鈥檚 nothing disgusting about the two of you enjoying each others鈥?bodies.
    Have him lay down on his back, get over him and dont think about what you are about to do. Just think about how good YOU are going to make him feel. Start kissing on his ears then neck then his nipple on his sides down his stomach and once you reach the pelvic area before you start sucking use your tounge to lick across his pelvic area move down put your mouth right over his penis and allowing it to be in your mouth but DO NOT touch it with any part of your mouth and just breath the hot air out of your mouth on too it, this is a sensation tecnique i use on my hubby he loves it !!!! Its a form of teaseing bc he thinks you you are about to suck when your just giving him a tickle LOL then stroke him with your tounge from the tip all the under his balls. By the time you do all this you wont care if his penis goes in your mouth, but honey he will love you long time LOL good luck
    There are videos and books that will teach you how to do it. Maybe by getting some tasty lube or 'good head' (it numbs your throat and taste buds) and try watching or reading one of those you might want to try it. Good Luck!

    P.S. Don't do it unless you want to because then neither one of you will enjoy it. He really won't enjoy it unless you do.
    I dont find it disgusting at all i love giving my husband oral but if your not comfortable doing it then dont do it and if he respects you then hopefully he will respect your decision not to do it and not pressure you.
    There are plenty of great tasting edible lubes or get something from the kitchen. Have a shot or 5 before you do it. Plenty of women don't find it disgusting.
    Try flavored condoms. You may not like what happens when he is finished. You may, for the first time, include a little alcohol to help to relax. Also, maybe 69 may help also.
    If you don't want to do it, then don't. As long as this was the understanding before you got married, then he should respect your wishes.
    maybe you should try 69.. that way he will be pleasuring you and you will want to return the favor for him.. thats the only way i'll do it with my bf..
    Well if you don't want to do it then dont i think its nasty 2 but he should do it 2 u maybe u can read up on some ideas of what u could do
    If you dont feel comfortable with it, then dont do it.

    Honestly, I find it disgusting also.
    Get some food into the bedroom. Use chocolate syrup and whipped cream and make a sundae out of it.
    Do it as soon as he gets out of the shower.
    Why don't you try mine and Gilly's favourite number? 69!
    I agree with Polski.

    Does he ever go down on you?
    Get drunk...that always helps.

    %26lt;----- always gives good head
    Smother it in honey....mmmmm
    Picture a hot women doing it to him. Because that's what's going to happen if you don't.
    get drunk, that always works
    get some nice tasting lube
    are you going to swallow?

    maybe if you make yourself uber-horny with a vibrator you'll want to slurp it up?
    Do not trick yourself into doing it!! Learn to like it. I totally understand and empathize with you TOTALLY on this issue and it does seem disgusting but mostly that has to do with bad experiences and the negative depiction it can have, I think! I am no pro or anything, I actually lack experience a lot! But I have experienced a similar situation so maybe this answer can help. Because you did not enjoy it before it turned you off altogether from giving head. Well the good news is you can actually learn to like it. It seems far fetched but it really is not. It will take time and openness to become comfortable with the idea of doing it of course :)

    You first have to learn your man's dick is not your enemy! It is your friend, and honestly if you treat it well your man if he is a good man will treat you well also! Warm up to it with hand jobs that sort of thing.

    Secondly, think about what would make the experience more enjoyable? If you do not like how it looks suggest having the lights off and light some candles to save face. Also, you can always use a condom if he is open to that. Lol, um are you open to using a topping, like whipped cream, honey, icing, or syrup? There are actually edible massage creams you can purchase online if you look it up.

    If the toppings arent your thing and you just want a traditional situation lol then maybe suggest your husband shower before being intimate so that you cannot connect your husband with a former bad experience due to smell, unattractive genitals, poor upkeep of pubic hairs, etc and so on.

    Lastly, make sure you are comfortable in the situation. Do not do anything you feel pressured to do. Do not give him head just because he wants it. Certainly dont do it for him, and he not return the favor!Learn to desire pleasing your man in any way possible just because you care about him. Believe me, he should be more than happy to do the same! The sex can be great but it does get boring in the sense that it is a redundant action, oral sex is icing on the cake really in foreplay. Just try to find ways in which both you and your partner are comfortable with it. I added my suggestions but maybe you can come up with better ideas. Hope this helps! Good luck :)

    What should my husband and I do for Halloween?

    What should my husband and I do for Halloween? I'm pregnant so going partying is out of the question. Any laid back ideas that will be fun, safe, and still a little spooky?What should my husband and I do for Halloween?
    we're pregnant too and i'm taking my little sister and niece trick or treating. my husband may pass out candy for my grandmother since she doesn't move around well but likes to see the kids come to her house.

    also my town has a small festival called scarefest that is free for everybody and they have activites such as pumpkin carving, hayrides, games. it's kind of corny but it's safe now that we can't go to haunted houses or to parties.

    as for the spooky side that ur looking for what about renting some scary movies and staying in, u could even make virgin bloody mary's (husband's idea) and eat candy corn.

    congrats on the babyWhat should my husband and I do for Halloween?
    See if there are any hay rides or haunted houses in your area. We have a place that decorates the gardens up and takes people on a hay ride and tell scary stories as people jump out and scare you along the way. It is fun.
    Pass out candy for the kids and Paint your stomach like the blimp, a watermelon, or a pumpkin.
    Dress like a plug %26amp; outlet and give out tons of candy.
    stay scary movies and hand out candy...(hey...i think thats what im doing too!)
    Hide the phantom sausage??
    Stay home.
    Go to the jungle by night.Pass the night in a dark place
    Hit and Miss

    He wears a white shirt, black pants, and a knife belt with several fake knives. He wears a blindfold (make one that you can see through by using black mesh fabric). She wears a pretty dress and attaches several knife handles to her torso to make it look like he “missed.” Add fake blood. She wears a fake apple on her head (attach it to a headband).

    Mom and the Milkman

    You wear normal clothes He dresses like a milkman, in all white with a white hat, carrying a carton of milk.

    Baker and A Bun-In-The-Oven

    She wears a cardboard stove around her neck with a large cutout in the center for her belly. Velcro or tape a cardboard bun, bread, cookie, etc. in the middle of her belly. The man wears a chef's hat and apron.

    Mother Nature and Father Time

    He wears a grey robe, long beard and carries an hourglass. She wears a bright floral toga decorated with birds and butterflies, and a wreath of flowers in her hair.

    E-Male and Attachment

    He dresses in normal clothes, with a large letter ';E'; on his chest. She wears paperclips all over her clothes.

    Adam and Eve

    Wear fleshtone bodysuits, with ivy leaves placed appropriately. Add ivy leaf headpieces. He can wear a fake snake around his neck, and she should carry an apple.
    It's your guys last Halloween alone!! And it only gets more fun the older baby gets...anyway.... You know what would be fun? Dress up and trick or treat your friends and family members! Go as a priest and a pregnant nun. Easy costumes to find if you go to a thrift store, good will, salvation army, etc. Then when your done, you can go home, watch a scary movie together and suck down all the candy you scammed off your relatives! Enjoy your evening!
    a nice bottle of wine or two. dress up and have a party 4 two that u both will remeber and talk about when ur baby gets older.
    How about a Halloween themed baby shower? Request that all gifts are either red or orange (or wrapped in those colors). Get a cake that has a cutesy devil on it and hand out aprty favors to the trick-or-treators.
    When I was pregnant at Halloween, we stayed home, watched horror movies, and handed out candy. Maybe you could give a special treat (like a whole package of candy bars, a halloween cd, or scary kids' movie) as a prize for the most interesting costume you see.
    I am pregnant too and my bachlorette party is this weekend. We are going to stay the night in a hunted hotel. Maybe you two can do the same on Halloween. If you can't do that, why don't you dress up and just invite a few of your friends over to watch scary movies. Sometimes that turns out to be the most fun. For our Halloween party my fiance and I are going to do the chef and the bun in the oven costume. Hope you have fun %26amp; happy haunting!
    hand out candy at the door or invite friends over

    What are some brilliant ways to get revenge on your husband's mistress?

    Any ideas for my mum would be welcomed =)

    Bonus points for witty answers!What are some brilliant ways to get revenge on your husband's mistress?
    the best revenge would be to do well in life, be a success, keep your dignity never seek any revenge because just having the husband to deal with would be revenge in itself.What are some brilliant ways to get revenge on your husband's mistress?
    My friend had a girl constantly pursue her husband at work... Of course, it finally turned into 'something'. She had this long long hair that she thought was gorgeous. My friend and I plotted an plotted... the best thing I could come up with is catch her drunk (which would have been easy, she was in the bar all the time) and pin her down and shave her whole head bald. We never did it of course. My friend moved, and is still with her husband.
    So....what you're saying is that she did something wrong, so now you want to do something wrong...


    If that makes sense to you, then you need some instruction in basic personal responsibility.
    Divorce my husband, get a big alimony settlement, then let the mistress marry him and the two of them work to support my comfortable lifestyle.
    I would stay out of it; revenge is never a good idea. Tell your mum to divorce him instead of plotting revenge that could get her in trouble with the law.
    ummm....why take it out on her? shouldnt you be more angry with the guy. maybe he tells his mistress he is single and she thinks the relationship is ok.
    why the mistress, is she the one that started it or was it the husband?
    The husband should be punished, he is the one that broke the trust;
    Sorry, I would go after my cheating husband first. I guess that might be your dad???
    Let her have him. He's not worth it.

    I think my husband has a security program on my computer where he gets all my passwords. How can i find out?

    I need to know how to find the program if there is one? Because I don't know the name of it. Please Help!I think my husband has a security program on my computer where he gets all my passwords. How can i find out?
    don't let the unkind remarks other people made get you down..... they haven't been there..... yet..... and we both know that what-comes-around-goes-around...... so their time is coming.


    open your antivirus program (Norton, McAffee, Spybot..... doesnt matter.....). i use norton and this is their procedure, the others will be at least similar....

    click on the Norton Internet Securities tab

    click Settings'

    Click Spyware

    click Scan Exclusions (THIS is what you are looking for....)

    now..... look and see what has be excluded..... anything with the term ';keylogger'; has PROBABLY, not CERTAINLY been added manually...... just highlight it and delete it.....

    then run a full scan and let Norton get rid of it for you.......

    OH..... one last thing?

    before you run the full scan...... open your word processor (MS Works, MS Word, WordPerfect..... heck, it doesn't matter..... just anything where you can type a message....)

    type..... ';Hi, honey.... found your keylogger program and we now know how little character you really have, don't we.....';

    THEN run the full scan to get rid of it......I think my husband has a security program on my computer where he gets all my passwords. How can i find out?
    Ya mean a keylogger program..

    thats what it is.
    he might have installed a keystroke logging software,

    go to control panel%26gt;add/remove programs, in the list of programs look for keylogger or sort of or any new software which you haven't installed and remove it.

    good luck
    AVG antirootkit, its free.
    You can go into your C drive and look at your program files. If he installed any security program there would be a folder. If you don't see one, it also can be that he has hide the folder, so you'll want to open a folder and go to your toolbar and click on tool, folder option, and then choose the view tab, and there should be an option that says Hidden Files or Folder and click on Show hidden files...

    Also, are you hiding something from your husband? If you're not, you shouldn't have anything to worry about...
    Get a divorce
    One way or the other, I get the picture that this relationship might not be working out. Why don't you quit worrying about your password %26amp; seek counseling.
    Download %26amp; run (free) anti spyware program. This should kill the beasts.

    Anti Spyware

    Who dares wins.
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  • What can my husband eat to help me get pregnant?

    We have both had tests and we are fine although he has a low sperm count, what can he eat to boost his sperm count,... I heard Spinach!What can my husband eat to help me get pregnant?
    I think that I'm correct in saying that eating lots of fruit can boost the quality of the sperm and the sperm count.

    I wish you and your husband every success, JWhat can my husband eat to help me get pregnant?
    I don't believe in things like that I'm afraid. If you are going to get pregnant you will. I used to wait 9 days after my period before trying and 3 out of 4 kids it worked for me. But everybody is different. But good luck anyway.
    I'm not really sure that food can help in any way! But if he manages to refrain from tossin off, and refrain from sex for a while, the naturally there will be more sperm there, I also heard that cold showers can help produce more sperm!

    I wish you the best of look in concieving!
    Zinc, which is in spinach i think. Try and make sure he doesn't have to many hot baths and wears loose underwear. Obviously don't smoke and try and not drink to much alcohol. Good luck.x
    I've heard that bananas are good. Lots of potassium.
    Have you tried charting your cycle to see when you are most fertile and so increase your chances of conceiving?

    Take your temperature every morning at the same time when you wake up; it will rise when you ovulate (12-16 days before your next period) and will stay higher until the end of your cycle. To give you some idea, my temp. rises from 36.4/5 to 36.7. Once released you egg remains viable for fertilisation for just 12-24 hours. Also keep an eye on your mucus. You will find that it becomes stretchy like mucus as you approach ovulation. Sperm can survive for up to 5 days in this most fertile mucus.

    When trying to have a baby it is recommended that you have intercourse every other day during the week before you ovulate and then for a day or two after.

    I have been charting and successfully using Natural Family Planning for 2 years. (Did you know that NFP today is over 99% effective?). Depending on where you are in the world, the Couple to Couple League runs classes or has an excellent home study course all about charting and interpreting your fertility signs that I can highly recommend.

    In the UK a charity called LIKE UK runs a very successful fertility programme that you could check out.

    There is also a great book by Marilyn Shannon called 'Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition' that you and your husband could benefit from reading.

    Good luck and enjoy learning how wonderful your body is!
    vitamin E
    all green leafy vegetables such as spinach for their high iron content and bananas which have potassium are supposed to be good
    If your husband's sperm count is good but, they are not good swimmers, you can try fruit smoothies to build strong and healthy sperm. It takes 3 months to mature a sperm, so be patient. Loose underwear is also advised for him.
    Yes, spinach will help (vitamin K %26amp; Folate) but it must be fresh. Minimize red meats and increase vitamine K, A, and of course lots of B-complex. Start him on a multi-vitamin. Oh, and most importantly, tell him to stop masturbating. I'm serious. That will cause the sperm count to be very low. Exercise. Too much is not good but too little hurts as well. Moderate exercise, healthy diet, and no masturbation will increase sperm count dramatically.

    And one more thing that is VERY important: Temperature. Sperm production can also be increased by lowering the average temperature of the testes. Some ways to do this: boxers instead of briefs, and the ';soda trick';. For a few minutes every day place a cold can of soda (ice packs are TOO cold) between his legs (maybe during trips in the car).

    The reason this is true is that for sperm to be produced in the testes the temperature must be below 98.6.

    You can also help by having sex in the early morning instead of the late evening. Late evening sperm counts tend to be lower on average than morning counts (due to rest, temperature, and energy factors).
    fresh fruit smoothies--it was proven in a clinical trial
    I think you need some education. He has to hump you to get you pregnant. In theory he could he eat whatever he likes while doing this.
    dont htink eating is the ans to help him.

    water is good for him and dont let him eat rubbish.

    also only have sex about 2 times a week to gather more sperm so he'll have a better shot. also, you buy a ovalation test as this will tell you when your likely to be ready. it could take a few months depending on getting it right, but dont rush these things, it'll come to you in time
    everything containing antioxidants is meant to help, it was proven on a show in the uk this week.

    good luck and sex alot would also help even when your not ovulating, (i have been reading a book on this subject from Prof Robert winston, the guy is amazing!).
    spinach mostly helps the women even though it is extremal health for anyone to eat.

    How does your husband let you know he loves you ?

    My husband tells me everyday how beautiful I am and goes out of his way to make me comfortable.

    Anyone else or am I just lucky ?How does your husband let you know he loves you ?
    He holds me close, always looks me in the eye, never lies to me and brings me flowers for no reason.

    He is a great father to our son.

    He never complains.How does your husband let you know he loves you ?
    My husband sure doesn't make me feel beautiful but he makes up for it in other ways...he always makes sure he gives me a kiss right when he wakes up, leaves, or comes home. He always cuddles with me and tells me how much he loves me. He's always got my back. and He's taking my toddler in as his own child, I couldn't ask for a better guy. I truly am lucky!
    My fiance kisses me, cuddles me, holds me tight and tells me exactly what I mean to him, when I'm sick he props me in bed and gives me a hot water bottle, the other night I wasn't feeling well so he did my bottle for me and said ';Into bed now missy'; hehe :)

    He's also coming to see me at work today to enjoy coffee on our lunch break :)
    all of the above, plus looking into his eyes i know he isn't trying to earn brownie points. i see that he truly loves me and wants to please me.

    you know, my parents were married over 50 years and my dad still treated my mom this way-the honeymoon never has to end!
    My man will do ANYTHING for me... I know that he would die for me he doesn't need to complement me everyday to let me know he loves me his actions speak MUCH louder then words!
    I think you got one of the few good men on the earth.

    Yes you are lucky!
    Me too, and by holding me, rubbing me (massages), etc.... It feels great doesn't it?
    good you are lucky

    your honeymoon has just started
    he doesn't

    How can my husband get his own graphic novel published?

    My husband has been an artist for about 12 years and has an art degree. He wants to change into a different field and doesn't know alot about publishing graphic novels but it's a huge interest for him. Does anyone have any advice or know how to break into this industry? Also, he's making his OWN graphic novel....he has no interest in interning somewhere. He did all that many years ago when he worked in the film industry.How can my husband get his own graphic novel published?
    You might try getting an agent that works for that industry. An agent would make sure his work gets into the right hands and probably make it easier for him to break into the industry. If you don't want an agent you might research publishers who do graphic novels and if they accept them unsolicited, find how they want them sent in and try sending his work to different publishers and see if he gets results.How can my husband get his own graphic novel published?
    Go and send your work to all the publisher u know. Then, have to depend on your luck. Or u can try online. Many people do success when they post their work online. Thank you.
    find a good publisher. just find a good graphic novel book then read the second page and look for who published it and the adress.

    What is a good dish to cook for my husband for our 4 year anniversary?

    I am cooking challenged, so please don't recommend anything difficult!! : )What is a good dish to cook for my husband for our 4 year anniversary?
    I would just go to a sushi and get some to go, along with seaweed salad and japanese dessert. Also buy miso paste (from asian or health food stores) and mix it with warm water for miso soup. You can add a few thin slices of steamed carrot or a few cubes of soft tofu. Buy some sake (japanese wine, to be served hot). That will most likely impress and please him.What is a good dish to cook for my husband for our 4 year anniversary?

    delicious and easy to cook

    pop the buggers into a pot of boiling water et voila

    serve with some salad

    Instant gourmet meal
    Anniversary chicken. Its at the website. It is awesome and made just for this occasion.
    set up a nice beautiful table and order the food he likes ,to be delivered :-)
    This is very easy, and should work.

    Beef Supreme

    1 package beef stew meat

    enough flour to coat meat

    3 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes

    3 carrots, peeled and sliced (or about a half a bag of baby carrots)

    1 medium onion, sliced

    2 cans of cream of mushroom soup

    salt and pepper

    cooked rice or noodles

    In a microwave safe casserole dish, place meat and flour - stir around till all the meat has flour on it. Cook on high in the microwave about 5 minutes.

    Add all the other ingredients except cooked rice or noodles to the casserole dish. Cover. Cook for 5 minutes on high power, then about 20 minutes on medium power. Serve over rice or noodles.

    He will be real impressed, and it's really easy.

    If you have trouble cooking rice on the stove, try this:

    1 cup rice

    2 cups water

    place in deep microwaveable casserole dish. Microwave 5 minutes on high and about 15 minutes on medium till liquid is absorbed and rice is done (depends on your microwave just how long it takes). It may boil over a little if your dish isn't deep enough, but it's much easier to clean out a microwave than a pan with burnt rice in it!
    Good question, but I would ask you some of his favorite foods. I cook a lot, and probably can recomend some ';easier'; dishes. Also, include what he definately won't eat as well... We'll try to ';cook something up'; for you...
    Lamb cutlets with wine sauce and mash!

    You'll need the following:

    400g potatoes

    25g butter

    2tbsp olive oil

    sea salt

    ground black pepper

    4 lamb cutlets

    1 glass red wine

    25g cold butter, diced

    4 leeks, trimmed and sliced

    well, here we go:

    1. Peel the potatoes and boil in a pan of water. Simmer for 20 min and drain well. Return to the pan and shake gently over a low heat to steam off any excess moisture.

    2. Add the butter, olive oil, and seasoning and mash well until smooth and creamy. Cover and keep warm .

    3. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and, when hot, cook the cutlets on a medium to high heat-3min for rare, 4min for medium, 6min for well done.

    4. Remove and keep warm. Pour wine into pan and bring to rapid boil. Add cold butter and whisk to the make the sauce. Serve with steam leeks and mash.

    Hope I've helped
    Mmmm...if you both like it, I'd go italian, with some good wine.
    hmmmm im going tell u how make some so hard to eat



    u should have to cook

    How come he isn't taking you out for the 4th anniversary? That would be my take.

    but if you must cook, try a steak, its' hard to ruin.
    Crab and Vegetables Mikado

    Serves 6

    6 to 8 ounces crab meat from an Alaskan King Crab

    1/4 pound fresh mushrooms

    2 tablespoons butter

    1 can bamboo shoots, 6 oz.

    1 can of bean sprouts, 1 lb.

    4 scallions, sliced 1 1/2 inch thick

    1/4 cup soya sauce, Kikkoman light is best

    1 tablespoon vinegar

    4 teaspoons honey

    hot steamed rice

    Thaw and drain crab. Slice into chunks. If mushrooms are large, slice in half and saute in butter till golden. Add crab and remaining ingredients to mushrooms; simmer till heated, stirring gently. Serve with hot rice. Rice is good with addition of dried parsley and vegetable both, or maybe a pinch of curry.

    I suggest a nice dry sparkling wine like Italian spumante or Trokken Brut. Champagne is a little overwhelming. A nice dessert might be my wife's favourite:

    Buy an angel cake from the bakery, as well as a honeydew or canteloupe and a package of light Dream Whip. You can use real whipped if you like. I prefer the lighter quality of Dream whip. Cut the cake into three layers. Take a round cake pan and layer the cake with pieces of fruit and Dream Whip. A nice strawberry sauce or garnish would be a great addition.
    Orange Orzo Salad Recipe Prep Time: 25 minutes

    Cook Time: 10 minutes

    A refreshing salad that looks as pleasing as it tastes.

    Orange Orzo Salad


    - 8 ounces orzo

    - 4 tablespoons olive oil

    - 4 tablespoons orange juice

    - 3 tablespoons grated orange peel

    - salt and pepper to taste

    - 2 oranges, peeled, cut into sections and chopped

    - 1 cup golden raisins

    - 1/3 cup chopped green onions

    - 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped


    Cook orzo according to package directions, drain.

    Prepare orange vinaigrette: combine olive oil, orange juice and orange peel; mix well.

    Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Combine orzo, oranges, raisins, green onions, and cilantro in serving bowl.

    Add orange vinaigrette, toss to coat.

    Chill before serving.

    Pork Chops with Dijon Dill Sauce Recipe

    Servings: 4

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 30 minutes


    - 1 pound Pork Loin Chops

    - 1 teaspoon oil

    - 2 teaspoons Chicken Flavored Bouillon Granules

    - 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt

    - 1/8 teaspoon black pepper

    - 1/4 cup plain yogurt

    - 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

    - 1/4 teaspoon dried dillweed

    - 1/4 teaspoon sugar


    In skillet over medium heat, cook pork chops in oil 12-14 minutes, or until cooked through and pork reaches an internal temperature of 155掳F. Remove pork to platter; season with bouillon, garlic salt and black pepper. In small bowl, combine yogurt, mustard, dillweed, and sugar. Serve sauce with pork chops.

    This not a fruit/nut pie, but it is my favorite!!!!

    My Grandma's Shoo-Fly Pie (one pie)


    1 (9 inch) pie shell

    1 cup molasses

    3/4 cup hot water

    3/4 teaspoon baking soda

    1 egg, beaten

    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

    1 cup packed brown sugar

    1/4 cup shortening


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

    To Make Bottom Layer: In a medium bowl combine molasses, hot water, and baking soda. Stir well. Whisk in beaten egg. Pour mixture into pie shell.

    To Make Crumb Topping: In a medium bowl combine flour and brown sugar. Mix well, then cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle on top of molasses layer.

    Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Lower temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake an additional 30 minutes.
    Serve a steak and yourself for dessert
    LOBSTER....LOBSTER....LOBSTER...Hope you are old enough to remember the movie ';Flash-Dance';....the lobster dinner scene is almost erotic....if you havn't seen it;buy the lobsters (two one pounders should do it; reason being, you and your mate will probably never finish the meal...) go home, pop in DVD, go directly to the dinner scene, watch it, turn it off, go upstairs, dress for dinner. Boil 6 qts. of water in a deep pot, 10 mins before dinner, pop those suckers head first into boiling water to cover; cook 10 mins; remove with tongs, melt butter, cut lemons serve...(now remember scene from movie) both dig in and Happy Anniversary !!!!
    What does your husband LIKE?!?!

    But seriously....anniversaries aren't such a big deal for men as they are for women. If your husband is like most guys, he'll be perfectly content when he comes home to find you...

    (1) Holding a pizza in one hand,

    (2) Holding a six-pack in the other,


    (3) naked.

    How a spouse applied for US Visa for his husband who is living in India?

    I am a Green Card holder living in USA. I want to apply for my husband who is a citizen of India.How a spouse applied for US Visa for his husband who is living in India?
    File yr marriage papers, if done!! Without these papers u cant get him a visa. If u have it u will get it done by the Indian counsel in US , maybe some time may be needed but u will get it

    _K_How a spouse applied for US Visa for his husband who is living in India?
    well u need to go to the india console in the usa to apply.
    he can also apply it 2 live in the usa

    While single I purchased a home now married my husband & I purchased a new home does he qualify for the tax ?

    While single I purchased a home, now married, my husband and I purchased a new home. He has never bought a house. Do we qualify for the $7500 tax credit? While single I purchased a home now married my husband %26amp; I purchased a new home does he qualify for the tax ?
    No, he only qualifies if you live in a non-community state and he buys the house without you. He can not add you later either.While single I purchased a home now married my husband %26amp; I purchased a new home does he qualify for the tax ?
    This is a question for your CPA. As a Realtor I can't give you advice because I would be liable if incorrect.

    Ask your CPA.

    If this property is your homestead then you will probably qualify for that tax benefit. The tax code is very complex and only a CPA can give adequate advice.

    Also, if he has homestead rights and you get divorced he has to sign off before you could sell the property. Even if he is not on the title he still has homestead rights to the property.


    EDIT: Understand that this 7500 new homebuyer credit is a loan. It is paid back over 7 years. It is a tex credit that is paid back. You will pay it back on the back end.
    He qualifies if he buys on his own. You don't qualify. You would be trying to ';piggyback'; on his eligibility. Congress debated about this for weeks. Everyone said that the program would be abused by people trying to cheat. You aren't cheating. You just don't want to miss out. The rules are supposed to be on in 2 weeks. Call your congressman and they may help. You need to read the IRS rule or you might make a mistake.
    If either you or your husband owned a house in the last 3 years, you won't qualify for the interest free loan of $7500.
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