Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How come my two year old twins will nap for my husband but not me?

Whenever he is home and puts them down they both go to sleep. They have napped every day for a few days now because he was home on the weekend and in the middle of the day most of last week.

It's Tuesday and yesterday too I have put them down and within 20 minutes one of them is screaming and banging on the door, keeping them both up, and eventually figures out how to defeat the child proof door knob and they're out and not napping.

What the heck!How come my two year old twins will nap for my husband but not me?
My husband is the only one that can get my 3 year old to take a nap. She will lay down for me but quick as I leave the room she gets up and plays very quietly or she will just scream and keep saying that Im mean or something and it all ends with her getting into trouble and me taking things away and she knows that that will happen every time she refuses to take a nap but she will still do it. My husband works about 5 min away from our house and gets an hour lunch so he comes home and eats lunch with us and then he makes her take a nap.How come my two year old twins will nap for my husband but not me?
Sometimes it is because the kids feel your mood and they sense that you can be maybe a little tense,specially if they are newborn - 15 months.

This had hap pend to me and I find a Solution, for this problem. I usually put them to sleep around the same time usually 20 minutes after lunch that way they are full and probably sleepy. I will tell them after lunch you are going to sleep for a little while and after resting you will have a delicious snack or dessert. I put some classical music or TV show set 30min, time for TV to turn off. That way they can fall asleep and I try to relax too. Either I go to sleep,read or just finish pending house shores.But usually I try to relax (like me time).....Just be patient and try this out maybe it can work for you too!! Good luck %26amp; best wishes :)
I would start by reversing the lock on the door and locking them in (naturally making sure there are no hazards in the room first). Then, as the first answerer said, be firm with them and don't give up. It's the same as the CIO method at night (obviously unpopular, but effective). After a while they should give up and go to sleep.

Also, ask your husband what he does!
Ian goes through phases like that between my husband and I. He is around 20 months old and will go for an entire month where only my husband can get him down peacefully for a nap and then out of no where he switches!!! I can't imagine having 2 to put down. Super mom!!!
Maybe he's more stern with them than you are, so they listen to him
Perhaps they take him more seriously? He may have laid down the law(intentionally so, or unintentionally) and they know that dad is serious when he says something. How would he react to them getting out of bed and banging on the door?

I used to care for a little boy that decided he no longer wanted to nap. He was about 2 years old when it started and his mother just went with it. She would put him in the bed, and he would kick up a fuss(cry, get out of the bed, etc), and she would handle it by letting him stay up.

I, on the other hand put him in for his nap, and if he got out of the bed, he went straight back to the bed. He knew that I was serious and no amount of crying, screaming, getting out of bed, etc was going to get me to let him skip his nap. I used the back to bed technique(where you keep putting them back in the bed--no eye contact, talking,etc). He used to sleep very well when I was with him. He would doze off about 10 min after his head hit the pillow, and sleep for at least an hour.

You need to be the boss. If you don't want them to take a nap, that is fine, but the decision should be yours, not your childrens. Set rules and boundaries and stick to them. Children test boundaries all the time, you need to stick to your guns and keeps those boundaries in place. The testing was getting up and seeing if you would let them skip nap, by allowing them to skip the nap, you have essentially taught them that all they have to do is get out of bed, scream, cry, etc and they will not have to nap.

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