Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Should I leave my husband change or give my daugher a bath?

My daugher just turned 3 years old, and sometimes when I am busy my husband gives her a bath and change her nappy. Do you think I should worry about that or not?Should I leave my husband change or give my daugher a bath?
Do you have a reason to worry? It's perfectly normal for a dad to change his childs diaper and give baths. It's called sharing the responsibility. If you seriously think your husband would do something to her, then you should leave him.

Most likely, what you should do, is be thankful that your man is willing to help out with the child. Some men refuse to change diapers simply because it's unpleasant.

Also, with him helping out, he is bonding with his child. That is never a bad thing.Should I leave my husband change or give my daugher a bath?
I assume you trust your husband.

If he is a child molester, or has made obvious to you that he has thoughts of doing that, or that it is okay to do, then obviously, you should divorce and move far away from your husband, to protect your daughter.

Otherwise, sure, let him change and bathe his daughter. He is her father.
Why would you worry? He can help with bath time until about age 7, only because she might feel a little embarrassed by then. Be thankful for any help for even part of the bath. Sometimes it takes 2 people when washing and rinsing out the hair, kids scream so much about shampoo in their eyes or just fear of drowning....ect.
Why would you worry? Are you seriously telling us you're married to and living with someone who you think is sexually attracted to a three year old?

If he isn't, then of course you shouldn't worry. So what if he's a man? Most dads change nappies at least occasionally.
why worry about the changing/bathing unless you think he's doing something inappropriate. if that is the case, you need to get your daughter away from him immediately. otherwise, be grateful that he is helping out. good luck.
No...Why??....Perhaps when she gets to five and six then perhaps yes.....but I dont see anything wrong as a father doing that...Afterall she is his daughter...Unless you suspect she is being sexually assaulted I wouldnt get too paranoid?
why should you be worried? it's his child too, he should help out. are you implying you think he is sexually abusing your child? if you suspect this, i don't know what to tell you.
um, no...thats perfectly normal. unless you suspect your husband is sexually abusing her or something, then you have nothing to worry about..
Can we get someone to screen for serious questions please? This is ridiculous..
you should worry if he didn't. she's his kid too, right
you are sick

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