Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What if my husband refuses to get medical help or take his meds?

I asked the question earlier about symptoms before death, I want to elaborate a little bit, I have tried over and over to get my husband to go to the hospital, I have begged him to take his insuline for our childrens sake, in doing all of this he still refuses to take his meds and refuses to go to the hospital, he has 2 viles of insulin left that he flat out refuses to take, I make meals that are appropriate because that is the only way I know how to help him, I am at a loss on what to do and I am afraid I'm going to wake up one morning to find him gone.What if my husband refuses to get medical help or take his meds?
I think your husband is in a deep depression over his health issues and probably more than just that and is just wanting everything to end. You need to get someone who he will listen to to try to convince him to take care of himself and to get counseling for his depression. You may need to do a full blown intervention with friends and family present.What if my husband refuses to get medical help or take his meds?
You need to get him to the ER NOW.Call an ambulance.

If he dies this way , you will be held responsible.

You are killing this man.

Get him to the hospital before the autopsy convicts you of murder and your children are all alone.
Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. He is an adult and it's his perogative to choose what he does with his body.

He may be depressed (it sure sounds like it). Ask him why he's choosing to self-destruct.

Because he is insulin dependent, diet will only go so far in managing his illness.

See if his doctor will make a house call. Contact the doctor and explain your dilemma. Mention the possibility of depression as well as his refusal to take the insulin.
I think he needs an intervention - and fast. Diabetes untreated can severeley effect your health. Blindness, gang greene, heart failure, ect. I think that you need to get your family members, make them aware of whats happening and get an intervention going, especially for your childrens sake.

God Bless.
Your husband sounds very depressed and is actually considered suicidal (death by disease). You can have him treated against his will if he is felt to be suicidal by the medical community. At some point he will also probably become comatose %26amp; he can be treated in an ER at that time also and at that point he can be held with some psych intervention. This is a horrible way to be especially with children. I would call your MD as others have suggested %26amp; even ask to speak to him as an appointment. Do not get blown off here--keep perservering. I wish you all the very best outcome here.
Have you called his doc? He needs more help than you can give him.

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