Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is really happening between Nancy Pelosi and her husband Reuben?

A buddy was hearing that Nancy's husband Reuben did something to piss her off and they were splitting. is this true? What are you hearing?What is really happening between Nancy Pelosi and her husband Reuben?
He came out of the closet. Then she got mad because he beat her to it.What is really happening between Nancy Pelosi and her husband Reuben?
Please....Pelosi needs to take a long cruise off the coast of Somalia unescorted.... I don't think the military when come to her aide after what she has done to this country.... Reuben and Nancy have actually been legally seperated for about a year. Reuben had some ethics conflicts and Nancy had to destant her from him...Well, turn out that Nany and reuben are really doing it to save her butt... There is some much scandel too early on in the Obama cabinet and associates that it makes the bush years seem like a walk in the park... Can't wait to see Richaardson get out of the company he was partners in transporting illegals up north with false papers and avoiding paying taxes on hsi company gains... PEOPLE WAKE UP TO CHANGE!!!!!!! CHANGE AND SCREWED ARE EQUAL IN MY BOOK!@
My inside circle says that Nancy was giving a Joel Robinson son eextra attention... Joel is a lobbyist for the UAW. If thisis the case we have some big conflict of interest as Pelosi is trying to give the gov bailouts to the automakers without UAW concessions...AGAIN, THE CHANGE OBAMA WAS TALKING ABOUT AIN';T GOOD%26gt;%26gt;.... I did not liek the bush team but it took me three years to figure it out..The obama team takes less than 30 days.... NO AMNESTY FOR THE ILLEGAL OBAMA!!!!! TRAITOR!!!!
Would you please stop this already. 8 years of Bush has cause a lot of stress on us all. Our country was nearly destroyed.

We have to support Pelosi because she is bringing sanity back to government. We need to feed the poor and give health care to families. The Republicans caused this mess and now the Democrats like her are instantly solving it.

Bush sucks!!!!!
other than her re zoning the one district commercial that her husband had bought up all of the properties,who knows.she is one nasty witch! he made like 12 million.the democrats who looked into it in her district found no wrong doing.
I have no idea how anybody could stay married to that woman let alone marry her in the first place.
He wants to divorce her because she is an ignorant moron and he won't let her call him Obama during sex.
Instead of kool aide they have drunk wine from their own vineyards.

The real headaches kick in tomorrow.
uh, gay marriage? gay divorce?
Nada. Couldn't care less.
She is jealous of his apparatus and wants one of her own!
What is this, the National Enquirer?
all this time I thought nancy was the husband....I figured she was a man in drag
judgment day!!!
I haven't heard anything. But still you shouldn't butt into anyone's personal life.

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